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Version: 1.20.x

Model Datagen

Like most JSON data, block and item models can be datagenned. Since some things are common between item and block models, so is some of the datagen code.

Model Datagen Classes


Every model starts out as a ModelBuilder of some sort - usually a BlockModelBuilder or an ItemModelBuilder, depending on what you are generating. It contains all the properties of the model: its parent, its textures, its elements, its transforms, its loader, etc. Each of the properties can be set by a method:

#texture(String key, ResourceLocation texture)Adds a texture variable with the given key and the given texture location. Has an overload where the second parameter is a String.
#renderType(ResourceLocation renderType)Sets the render type. Has an overload where the parameter is a String. For a list of valid values, see the RenderType class.
#ao(boolean ao)Sets whether to use ambient occlusion or not.
#guiLight(GuiLight light)Sets the GUI light. May be GuiLight.FRONT or GuiLight.SIDE.
#element()Adds a new ElementBuilder (equivalent to adding a new element to the model). Returns said ElementBuilder for further modification.
#transforms()Returns the builder's TransformVecBuilder, used for setting the display on a model.
#customLoader(BiFunction customLoaderFactory)Using the given factory, makes this model use a custom loader, and thus, a custom loader builder. This changes the builder type, and as such may use different methods, depending on the loader's implementation. NeoForge provides a few custom loaders out of the box, see the linked article for more info (including datagen).

While elaborate and complex models can be created through datagen, it is recommended to instead use modeling software such as Blockbench to create more complex models and then have the exported models be used, either directly or as parents for other models.


Both block and item model datagen utilize subclasses of ModelProvider, named BlockModelProvider and ItemModelProvider, respectively. While item model datagen directly extends ItemModelProvider, block model datagen uses the BlockStateProvider base class, which has an internal BlockModelProvider that can be accessed via BlockStateProvider#models(). Additionally, BlockStateProvider also has its own internal ItemModelProvider, accessible via BlockStateProvider#itemModels(). The most important part of ModelProvider is the getBuilder(String path) method, which returns a BlockModelBuilder (or ItemModelBuilder) at the given location.

However, ModelProvider also contains various helper methods. The most important helper method is probably withExistingParent(String name, ResourceLocation parent), which returns a new builder (via getBuilder(name)) and sets the given ResourceLocation as model parent. Two other very common helpers are mcLoc(String name), which returns a ResourceLocation with the namespace minecraft and the given name as path, and modLoc(String name), which does the same but with the provider's mod id (so usually your mod id) instead of minecraft. Furthermore, it provides various helper methods that are shortcuts for #withExistingParent for common things such as slabs, stairs, fences, doors, etc.


Finally, the last important class is ModelFile. A ModelFile is an in-code representation of a model JSON on disk. ModelFile is an abstract class and has two inner subclasses ExistingModelFile and UncheckedModelFile. An ExistingModelFile's existence is verified using an ExistingFileHelper, while an UncheckedModelFile is assumed to be existent without further checking. In addition, a ModelBuilder is considered to be a ModelFile as well.

Block Model Datagen

Now, to actually generate blockstate and block model files, extend BlockStateProvider and override the registerStatesAndModels() method. Note that block models will always be placed in the models/block subfolder, but references are relative to models (i.e. they must always be prefixed with block/). In most cases, it makes sense to choose from one of the many predefined helper methods:

public class MyBlockStateProvider extends BlockStateProvider {
// Parameter values are provided by GatherDataEvent.
public MyBlockStateProvider(PackOutput output, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper) {
// Replace "examplemod" with your own mod id.
super(output, "examplemod", existingFileHelper);

protected void registerStatesAndModels() {
// Placeholders, their usages should be replaced with real values. See above for how to use the model builder,
// and below for the helpers the model builder offers.
ModelFile exampleModel = models().withExistingParent("minecraft:block/cobblestone");
Block block = MyBlocksClass.EXAMPLE_BLOCK.get();
ResourceLocation exampleTexture = modLoc("block/example_texture");
ResourceLocation bottomTexture = modLoc("block/example_texture_bottom");
ResourceLocation topTexture = modLoc("block/example_texture_top");
ResourceLocation sideTexture = modLoc("block/example_texture_front");
ResourceLocation frontTexture = modLoc("block/example_texture_front");

// Create a simple block model with the same texture on each side.
// The texture must be located at assets/<namespace>/textures/block/<path>.png, where
// <namespace> and <path> are the block's registry name's namespace and path, respectively.
// Used by the majority of (full) blocks, such as planks, cobblestone or bricks.
// Overload that accepts a model file to use.
simpleBlock(block, exampleModel);
// Overload that accepts one or multiple (vararg) ConfiguredModel objects.
// See below for more info about ConfiguredModel.
simpleBlock(block, ConfiguredModel.builder().build());
// Adds an item model file with the block's name, parenting the given model file, for a block item to pick up.
simpleBlockItem(block, exampleModel);
// Shorthand for calling #simpleBlock() (model file overload) and #simpleBlockItem.
simpleBlockWithItem(block, exampleModel);

// Adds a log block model. Requires two textures at assets/<namespace>/textures/block/<path>.png and
// assets/<namespace>/textures/block/<path>_top.png, referencing the side and top texture, respectively.
// Note that the block input here is limited to RotatedPillarBlock, which is the class vanilla logs use.
// Like #logBlock, but the textures are named <path>_side.png and <path>_end.png instead of
// <path>.png and <path>_top.png, respectively. Used by quartz pillars and similar blocks.
// Has an overload that allow you to specify a different texture base name, that is then suffixed
// with _side and _end as needed, an overload that allows you to specify two resource locations
// for the side and end textures, and an overload that allows specifying side and end model files.
// Variants of #logBlock and #axisBlock that additionally allow for render types to be specified.
// Comes in string and resource location variants for the render type,
// in all combinations with all variants of #logBlock and #axisBlock.
logBlockWithRenderType(block, "minecraft:cutout");
axisBlockWithRenderType(block, mcLoc("cutout_mipped"));

// Specifies a horizontally-rotatable block model with a side texture, a front texture, and a top texture.
// The bottom will use the side texture as well. If you don't need the front or top texture,
// just pass in the side texture twice. Used by e.g. furnaces and similar blocks.
horizontalBlock(block, sideTexture, frontTexture, topTexture);
// Specifies a horizontally-rotatable block model with a model file that will be rotated as needed.
// Has an overload that instead of a model file accepts a Function<BlockState, ModelFile>,
// allowing for different rotations to use different models. Used e.g. by the stonecutter.
horizontalBlock(block, exampleModel);
// Specifies a horizontally-rotatable block model that is attached to a face, e.g. for buttons or levers.
// Accounts for placing the block on the ground and on the ceiling, and rotates them accordingly.
// Like #horizontalBlock, has an overload that accepts a Function<BlockState, ModelFile> instead.
horizontalFaceBlock(block, exampleModel);
// Similar to #horizontalBlock, but for blocks that are rotatable in all directions, including up and down.
// Again, has an overload that accepts a Function<BlockState, ModelFile> instead.
directionalBlock(block, exampleModel);

Additionally, helpers for the following common block models exist in BlockStateProvider:

  • Stairs
  • Slabs
  • Buttons
  • Pressure Plates
  • Signs
  • Fences
  • Fence Gates
  • Walls
  • Panes
  • Doors
  • Trapdoors

In some cases, the blockstates don't need special casing, but the models do. For this case, the BlockModelProvider, accessible via BlockStateProvider#models(), provides a few additional helpers, all of which accept a name as the first parameter and most of which are in some way related to full cubes. They will typically be used as model file parameters for e.g. simpleBlock. The helpers include supporting methods for the ones in BlockStateProvider, as well as:

  • withExistingParent: Already mentioned before, this method returns a new model builder with the given parent. The parent must either already exist or be created before the model.
  • getExistingFile: Performs a lookup in the model provider's ExistingFileHelper, returning the corresponding ModelFile if present and throwing an IllegalStateException otherwise.
  • singleTexture: Accepts a parent and a single texture location, returning a model with the given parent, and with the texture variable texture set to the given texture location.
  • sideBottomTop: Accepts a parent and three texture locations, returning a model with the given parent and the side, bottom and top textures set to the three texture locations.
  • cube: Accepts six texture resource locations for the six sides, returning a full cube model with the six sides set to the six textures.
  • cubeAll: Accepts a texture location, returning a full cube model with the given texture applied to all six sides. A mix between singleTexture and cube, if you will.
  • cubeTop: Accepts two texture locations, returning a full cube model with the first texture applied to the sides and the bottom, and the second texture applied to the top.
  • cubeBottomTop: Accepts three texture locations, returning a full cube model with the side, bottom and top textures set to the three texture locations. A mix between cube and sideBottomTop, if you will.
  • cubeColumn and cubeColumnHorizontal: Accepts two texture locations, returning a "standing" or "laying" pillar cube model with the side and end textures set to the two texture locations. Used by BlockStateProvider#logBlock, BlockStateProvider#axisBlock and their variants.
  • orientable: Accepts three texture locations, returning a cube with a "front" texture. The three texture locations are the side, front and top texture, respectively.
  • orientableVertical: Variant of orientable that omits the top parameter, instead using the side parameter as well.
  • orientableWithBottom: Variant of orientable that has a fourth parameter for a bottom texture between the front and top parameter.
  • crop: Accepts a texture location, returning a crop-like model with the given texture, as used by the four vanilla crops.
  • cross: Accepts a texture location, returning a cross model with the given texture, as used by flowers, saplings and many other foliage blocks.
  • torch: Accepts a texture location, returning a torch model with the given texture.
  • wall_torch: Accepts a texture location, returning a wall torch model with the given texture (wall torches are separate blocks from standing torches).
  • carpet: Accepts a texture location, returning a carpet model with the given texture.

Finally, don't forget to register your block state provider to the event:

public static void gatherData(GatherDataEvent event) {
DataGenerator generator = event.getGenerator();
PackOutput output = generator.getPackOutput();
ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper = event.getExistingFileHelper();

// other providers here
new MyBlockStateProvider(output, existingFileHelper)


If the default helpers won't do it for you, you can also directly build model objects using a ConfiguredModel.Builder and then use them in a VariantBlockStateBuilder to build a variants blockstate file, or in a MultiPartBlockStateBuilder to build a multipart blockstate file:

// Create a ConfiguredModel.Builder. Alternatively, you can use one of the ways demonstrated below
// (VariantBlockStateBuilder.PartialBlockstate#modelForState or MultiPartBlockStateBuilder#part) where applicable.
ConfiguredModel.Builder<?> builder = ConfiguredModel.builder()
// Use a model file. As mentioned previously, can either be an ExistingModelFile, an UncheckedModelFile,
// or some sort of ModelBuilder. See above for how to use ModelBuilder.
// Set rotations around the x and y axes.
// Set a uvlock.
// Set a weight.
// Build the configured model. The return type is an array
// to account for multiple possible models in the same blockstate.
ConfiguredModel[] model =;

// Get a variant block state builder.
VariantBlockStateBuilder variantBuilder = getVariantBuilder(MyBlocksClass.EXAMPLE_BLOCK.get());
// Create a partial state and set properties on it.
VariantBlockStateBuilder.PartialBlockstate partialState = variantBuilder.partialState();
// Add one or multiple models for a partial blockstate. The models are a vararg parameter.
// Specify at least one ConfiguredModel.Builder, as seen above. Create through #modelForState().
// Alternatively, forAllStates(Function<BlockState, ConfiguredModel[]>) creates a model for every state.
// The passed function will be called once for each possible state.
variantBuilder.forAllStates(state -> {
// Return a ConfiguredModel depending on the state's properties.
// For example, the following code will rotate the model depending on the horizontal rotation of the block.
return ConfiguredModel.builder()
.rotationY((int) state.getValue(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING).toYRot())

// Get a multipart block state builder.
MultiPartBlockStateBuilder multipartBuilder = getMultipartBuilder(MyBlocksClass.EXAMPLE_BLOCK.get());
// Add a new part. Starts with .part() and ends with .end().
// Step one: Build the model. multipartBuilder.part() returns a ConfiguredModel.Builder,
// meaning that all methods seen above can be used here as well.
// Call .addModel(). Now that the model is built, we can proceed to step two: add the part data.
// Add a condition for the part. Requires a property
// and at least one property value; property values are a vararg.
.condition(BlockStateProperties.FACING, Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH)
// Set the multipart conditions to be ORed instead of the default ANDing.
// Creates a nested condition group.
// Adds a condition to the nested group.
.condition(BlockStateProperties.FACING, Direction.NORTH)
// Sets only this condition group to be ORed instead of ANDed.
// Creates yet another nested condition group. There is no limit on how many groups can be nested.
// Ends the nested condition group, returning to the owning part builder or condition group level.
// Called twice here since we currently have two nested groups.
// End the part builder and add the resulting part to the multipart builder.

Item Model Datagen

Generating item models is considerably simpler, which is mainly due to the fact that we operate directly on an ItemModelProvider instead of using an intermediate class like BlockStateProvider, which is of course because item models don't have an equivalent to blockstate files and are instead used directly.

Similar to above, we create a class and have it extend the base provider, in this case ItemModelProvider. Since we are directly in a subclass of ModelProvider, all models() calls become this (or are omitted).

public class MyItemModelProvider extends ItemModelProvider {
public MyItemModelProvider(PackOutput output, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper) {
super(output, "examplemod", existingFileHelper);

protected void registerModels() {
// Block items generally use their corresponding block models as parent.
withExistingParent(MyItemsClass.EXAMPLE_BLOCK_ITEM.get(), modLoc("block/example_block"));
// Items generally use a simple parent and one texture. The most common parents are item/generated and item/handheld.
// In this example, the item texture would be located at assets/examplemod/textures/item/example_item.png.
// If you want a more complex model, you can use getBuilder() and then work from that, like you would with block models.
withExistingParent(MyItemsClass.EXAMPLE_ITEM.get(), mcLoc("item/generated")).texture("layer0", "item/example_item");
// The above line is so common that there is a shortcut for it. Note that the item registry name and the
// texture path, relative to textures/item, must match.

And like all data providers, don't forget to register your provider to the event:

public static void gatherData(GatherDataEvent event) {
DataGenerator generator = event.getGenerator();
PackOutput output = generator.getPackOutput();
ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper = event.getExistingFileHelper();

// other providers here
new MyItemModelProvider(output, existingFileHelper)